Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
GEL playing cards |
16 |
GEMINI playing cards |
16 |
GULAM +playing card & plant |
3 |
GUTKHA 555 playing cards |
16 |
IIFA playing cards +arcs |
28 |
J JACK POT +playing cards |
25 |
KC NUMBER 84 playing cards |
28 |
KODAK 444 playing cards |
16 |
LASER +playing cards symbol |
28 |
LION 77 playing cards +lion |
16 |
LOTTO 555 playing cards |
16 |
LUCKY economy playing cards |
16 |
MEADOWS GREEN playing cards |
16 |
MERELANE NO.7 playing cards |
28 |
MERIMENT DX 520 playing car |
16 |
MIDCAP DX playing cards |
16 |
MILAN playing cards |
16 |
MINE GOLD playing cards |
28 |
MINT GOLD 555 playing cards |
28 |
MOON playing cards +square |
28 |
NAP GOLD playing cards |
28 |
NATRAJ playing cards |
16 |
NATRAJ 9 playing cards |
16 |
NIRLON 555 playing cards |
16 |
NOKIA playing cards |
16 |
NOVA playing cards |
16 |
NYLON NO.7 playing cards |
16 |
PILOT 333 playing cards |
16 |
PINJRA playing cards +bird |
16 |
PLAYING CARD +playing cards |
34 |
RE BLACK playing cards |
16 |
REGAL playing cards |
16 |
ROMAN 555 DX playing cards |
16 |
ROMEX playing cards +ovals |
28 |
SCOTCH playing cards |
16 |
SHUFFLE CATS +playing cards |
9, 41 |
SILVER KING playing cards |
28 |
SMART dlx playing cards |
16 |
SMILEY super playing cards |
16 |
SUMO playing cards |
16 |
SWASTIK playing marbles |
28 |
T.M. POKER playing cards |
16 |
TEEN EIKKA +playing cards |
30 |
TEEN EKKA +playing cards |
30, 35 |
THE TM playing card |
16 |
TM B&W playing cards |
16 |
TM B&W plastic playing card |
16 |
TM OVAL playing cards +oval |
16 |
TODAY playing cards |
16 |
TOPAZ playing cards |
16, 28 |
TRACTOR playing cards |
16 |
USA GOLD playing cards |
16 |
VENUS playing cards +shield |
28 |
WAR playing cards +men |
16 |
WAR playing cards +soldiers |
16 |
WIFI playing cards +circle |
28 |
WIN playing cards |
16, 28 |
YES BOSS playing cards +man |
16 |
ZIPPO 555 playing cards |
16 |
a ACE +playing cards |
19 |
crown playing card mushtach |
9 |
dx ENGLAND 555 playing card |
16 |
dx GULF playing cards +woma |
16 |
japan 555 playing cards |
28 |
lucky pro playing cards |
16 |
man playing golf |
9, 14, 16, 18, 24, 32, 33, 35, 39, 41 |
mr. HAX playing cards |
16 |
scotch playing cards +cross |
16 |
BATA playmate |
25 |
playschool |
41 |
VISISHTA playschool |
41 |
9 |
MARYLAND playway school |
16 |
plaza CENTERS |
36, 41, 42 |
A1 RELIANCE plaza's |
42 |
ANSAR plaza +building |
37 |
BASANT food plaza |
42 |
CROWNE plaza +flag |
31 |
DOTEX plaza |
9, 16 |
FINAMENNEN investment plaza |
16 |
FP fashion plaza +oval |
24 |
GAP gems & art plaza |
14 |
GP gem plaza |
14 |
GT plaza |
37 |
37 |
PARK plaza |
8 |
16 |
POLY plaza |
17 |
RELEANCE mall plaza |
42 |
RELIANCE mall plaza |
42 |
SHALIMAR the fashion plaza |
3, 25 |
SMILE beauty plaza |
42 |
THE plaza |
3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 21, 25, 34, 35, 38, 43 |
THE ATRE plaza |
16 |
37 |
VIDEOCON plaza |
7, 11, 21 |
b BABBU food plaza |
42 |
cd plaza CDP |
35 |
exchange plaza |
16 |
food plaza 24 CARAT +chef |
43 |